Widening Your Reach: How to Set  Mobile Keywords

Widening Your Reach: How to Set Mobile Keywords

We always give importance to desktop keywords and neglect the facts of how vital mobile keywords can be. But most of the people in this era use the Internet through their mobile phones. So, it is high time to pay attention to mobile keywords. It’s really tough to think about mobile more than desktop keywords. A huge number of audiences surf the web with mobiles, so if you intend to catch their attention, a mobile SEO boost up is needed for your site so that it will be fruitful.

Mobile keywords are more likely to be single keywords. It includes letters or numbers and can be picked by an entrepreneur as it is needed to send the word to the users as code in their mobiles. The codes are called “Short Code”.

These short codes must be unique and must be relevant to the brand and the campaign strategy. The target of this is the person who is sending the text message can join to the messaging list and can get into the interactive text message campaign.

Distinguishing between mobile keyword and desktop keyword, here are some of the things to keep in mind:

  • The keywords that are used for mobile phones are usually shorter than desktop keyword.
  • People with mobile phones usually use voice search for queries while desktop users search by typing.
  • The probability of error in mobiles is more than that of a desktop.

Mobile keyword research plays a very effective role in marketing strategy if you are aiming at taking SEO more seriously.  The arena of SEO marketing has changed a lot over the years and nowadays, it is largely dependent on mobile. So if you are not properly prepared to take this challenge, to be very honest, you are going to suffer some serious consequences regarding SEO.

Mobile keyword research is rather easy if you really think about it. Sometimes it is easier than desktop keyword research. It only needs your dedication, wisdom, and thorough knowledge of your audience and your capability to create dynamic SEO strategies.The following tips will be useful for you to improve your mobile SEO optimized website.

Keep it short

Short words are more popular for mobile search because it is easy to type for the users. The longer keyword can be used on the desktop but it doesn’t work as well on smartphones. You can’t afford to lose your visitors only by focusing on general keywords.

Invest some time on a mobile keyword to reach your target audience. Try to keep the keywords short to get better results. The most secure approach to go ahead with mobile marketing is to utilize keywords of two to three words.

Spacing is Important

Instead of focusing on lots of words, try to work with one suitable word. Using only one word for your keyword can make the whole thing simple. If two words are necessary for your keyword, try to use two different keywords. One will be with space and another will be without space.

Here is an example to make it clearer. Suppose, your keyword is “Houston Texas”, you can use two keywords for this; one will be “Houston Texas” and another will be “Houston Texas”.  We all know that a computer does only what it is instructed to do. If you choose a keyword without space and someone is searching for space, then the computer will not find it. Obviously, you will not want these things to happen., So, it will be a wise decision to use both.

Think about the location

Mobile searches are more likely to have location elements. Usually people prefer to get local results for what they are searching. That’s why it’s important to add location elements to mobile keywords.

You must make your site local SEO friendly so that the local audience can find you easily. By setting up ‘Google my business’ you make a presence on Google map instantly. So the audience can connect with you easily and it makes your rank higher on the SERPs.

Ensure to use the words such as ‘nearby’ or ‘near me’ while selecting your location based mobile keyword. Many people use these types of a keyword when searching online. So, when they will search with those keywords, your site will be shown. This way, you can increase the possibility of your site being found by your target audience.

Think about alternative searches

Voice search has become very popular recently. People find it easier and more convenient instead of text searching. To search anything, you don’t even need to open the browser.  You can search what you want only by speaking with the help of some programs like Siri and Cortana. So, to cope up with the recent system, you must follow the trend for your site. You need to work for voice searching to make sure your business is also visible on voice search.

Make the keyword easy

Sometimes we make mistakes by complicating things unnecessarily. Always try to choose simple and general keywords instead of uncommon and tough ones. Ensure interesting and easy keywords that are easy to remember.

Normally people don’t forget those words which are interesting. If you choose tough keywords, people might find it harder to remember. When you are promoting your site or product, some people may not have mobile phones with them. If your chosen keyword will be easy, then they can search for that once they have access to the Internet.

Avoid special characters

Special character can make your keyword difficult to remember. So, it’s better to avoid it. If you don’t want to make it hard then try to find keywords with standard letters that are easy to type.


A good performance in mobile keyword research will help you to be more visible in search engines. Eventually, more people will be able to find your business. If you can implement these tips on your site, you will get the upper hand and stand out among your competition.  Think from your users’ perspective while doing keyword research.  It is high time to adopt this trendy strategy and get the best out of it.

About The Author:

Paul Cowell is a writer and blogger who has projects along with many SEO companies in Houston. He also has experience in the field of SEO and Digital Marketing. When not writing, Paul enjoys shopping and going out with his friends.

The 5 Unknown Effects of Social Media on Your SEO

The 5 Unknown Effects of Social Media on Your SEO

Listening others and telling stories, persuading viewer by raising awareness, creating a connection among communities by getting social, catalyzing the moment of serendipity, building relationships or relinquishing control over customers and providing them best customer services, all comes under one head which is social media!

Social media is not just a spoke on the wheel of marketing. It is becoming the way through which marketers can build the entire bicycles of their brand. As an ultimate equalizer, social media give voice and a platform to anyone who is willing to engage. Social media is a superset of online communication channels which are dedicated to community-based inputs, interactions, sharing, and collaboration. The proliferation of social websites and social applications are making this wild child of marketing an integral part of our online as well as social life. Massive staying power of social media attributable depends on the fact that social media keeps evolving. It is continually exceeding users’ expectations and responding new tech like mobile devices and bringing the better feature to us than ever before.

There is a high consensus among social media marketing experts and SEO evangelists that when it comes to crafting an effective SEO strategy, social media is an important consideration. Social media marketing and SEO are two tightly interwoven marketing strategies. Both are organic, inbound strategies, focused on building an appealing identity to attract visitors naturally. Social media marketing is based on high-quality content and increasing the site visibility. On the other side of the story, SEO strategy relies on increasing the online presence of your site and increasing social media reach. Social media play a significant role in increasing your search ranking.

Unfortunately, discussion revolving around the influence of social media marketing on Google rankings leaves vital details. Generally written of material leave out the discussion on how and why social media can improve your SEO rankings.

To remedy this, here is the sneak peak of five unknown effects of social media on your SEO strategy.

1. Sharing Can Lead to Links And Higher Rankings

There are actual connections between social media and SEO. These relationships consist of direct as well as the indirect correlation between these two inbound marketing strategies.

The number of backlinks on your website will contribute to increasing the ranking of your site. Don’t manipulate this effect with black-hat SEO technique. Google look into social signals in order to find out links to a website and to non-manipulate the way in the site can get links. Integration of social media and SEO have replaced the link juice and hard work on creating the link juice. Social media and SEO can work together to give your website the back links it needs for higher ranking in Google SERPs.

Social sharing of the content increase visibility of the page which means the creator of the content such as blogger, journalist and author will notice. That author can mention the link in his following piece of writing, the relationship between the two will increase the ranking of the page.

Another way in which social media influence ranking is the building a working relationship with content creators and specifically sharing the content with them. This concept would be familiar for those who understand the idea of PR in marketing. Social influencers are known for amplifying the impression, but content creators have the capability to create ranking benefits for the site owners. If ranking is your top priority, then relation with the creator would be an important part of your SEO strategy. The effect of the content creator might be not known to you, but it is important.

2. Social Media And “User Interaction Signals.”

Imagine you are searching for a phrase and see the 10 search results on the page with blue links. You click one and land on a page which is not helpful. You hit the back button, this is a bounce on the site, and you click another link from the results on the search page. This time you have found a useful page, so you stay here for few minutes.

An entity which is watching all your searching activity with a sharp eye is Google. The search engine, browser, and analytics on both sites keep track of how much time the searcher stayed on the page. Search engine researcher calls this a long click. Google utilize long clicks as an indicator of quality and relevance. Google rank a site with respect to user interaction signals which is time on site and bounce rate. When it comes to visitor engagement what else comes to the mind is social interactions. Likes, shares, tweets, and comments all indicate that the page is good enough to attract visitors. Liked pages have the higher ranking as a company to other unlike pages with useless information. Social media interactions are based on quality and quality is associated with increasing the rankings.

From a very long time Google keep us telling that if you want to rank higher then make your page as much enjoyable as possible for the targeted audience. Pay attention to the keyword search and use them in a better way to enhance the experience of the visitors.

3. Personalization         

Google+ activity directly affect rankings because of Google love google+. Google+ post instantly rank for phrases included in the post. Smart G+ users write posts with bold headline titles at the top of the post. Google utilize google+ activity and reviews to personalize the search engine results after the user sign in. connect to an individual through google+ means increasing the ranking of your website. Google+ activity on do not affect the ranking in other search engines such as Bing or Yahoo, but it has a direct and significant impact on search ranking in Google through social activity.

4. Profile Ranking

Whenever you type a name of a business, social media profile with official website pop up in the search results on the page. All active pertinent social profiles consistently engage the audience. Targeting a platform that resonates most with the prospective customer will help the site owner to increase search engine ranking. Organic results for social media profiles and google+ pages in the corner of the page not directly send traffic to the website but control the SERP real estate and ensure that there is full branded coverage.

5. Different Search Engines are Partial to Particular Social Media Activity

Google, is not only a single game in a town. It accounts for three-quarter of the search engine market share. The second most used search engine is Bing which looks at the social authority of the user. It assigns weight to SERPs by following the number of people following them.

Google is naturally partial to Google+. Google+, social media platform, increase profile ranking in SERPs and put the business directly in front of consumers. When you craft your SEO strategy for the other two search engine, keep in mind that plants that you implemented today will cast as wide a net as possible.


Without any doubt, I have revealed the utter chaos behind alliance between social media and SEO. The above discussion proved that social media and SEO are tightly interwoven to each other. Correlation between social media and SEO is not causation, but there is no doubt that there is a significant impact of social media on SEO. Search engines not directly affect rankings, but social media is giving marketing professionals various opportunities to put their business in front on result pages of the search engine.

About The Author:

Harry James is a freelance blogger and a professional content writer. He love’s to write on any niche, currently working as a content analyst at CellNTrade!

10 Best SEO Practices in 2017 For Higher Rankings

10 Best SEO Practices in 2017 For Higher Rankings

SEO in itself is a very vast terminology to study on, as a very famous quotation says that “a website without SEO is a road without direction.” Whenever you are setting up a website or a blog it is essential to optimize it for search engines and SEO (search engine optimization) and the whole science and study on how you can optimize your websites for the search engines is called SEO in general.

SEO is an essential element of the developing digital world and business world as well. As most of the businesses are moving online, every business owner wants that whenever a customer search anything related to their services their website should be shown at the top and for this, they surely need to do SEO for their websites. In last five years, search engines and mainly Google is rolling out regular algorithm updates which make really hard for an average person to understand the generic sense of this algorithms. That is why SEO always is a separate department in every of the digital marketing agency, and every company hires a technical person for this. In 2017, there might be many SEO factors and practices that could make you able to rank higher, but today we will discuss probably the scientifically proven and most trustworthy SEO practices and factors that could work out in 2017.

  • Create Amazing Content
  • Limited Crawling
  • Influencer Marketing
  • Smart Content Marketing
  • On-Site SEO
  • Following A Proper Link Building Strategy
  • Mobile Optimization And Mobile Friendliness
  • Never Neglect Social Media
  • High Ranking Formula
  • Accuracy And Relevancy In The Content

Let us now discuss the above-mentioned SEO success factors of 2017 in details and extract the best methodology that could make your website rank higher in the search engines and specifically on Google!

  1. Create Amazing Content

You might have heard about a terminology that “Content is King” or even you must have also heard about a formula that “Great Content + Backlinks = Higher Ranking”. But the thing is, all these quotes and formulae look good only as a theory, practically things are entirely different. Content is surely a crucial aspect, and it is not negligible, but in 2017, if we say that “Reader is the King” it would be justifiable at all. Google love, what people like, so you should rather focus on creating amazing content specifically for you readers. Good content will resultantly lead to you towards acquiring high authority links which will sky-rocket your ranking in SERPs. Just focus on creating content for readers, in fact, it would be more appropriate if I state that “Don’t just find the right readers for your content rather create the right content for your readers.”

  1. Limited Crawling

It is an important and a technical SEO hack, but most people neglect it deliberately which is not okay. Whenever you allows a search engine to crawl your web pages and crawl the large pages from your site, it consumes a lot of crawl budget for the Google crawlers, and it might be possible that a crawler might spend more time on those pages which are of no use. This will affect your site’s credibility and the health, and as a matter of fact, you should be informed that Google cannot crawl all the pages of your website every day. So, it would be much better to put a noindex/nofollow tag on the pages you don’t to get appeared in the search engines. It is not so hard; you just have to see your robots.txt file and fix the things accordingly.

  1. Influencer Marketing

Where should you invest in SEO in 2017? Influencer marketing is one those sections where you should consider investing time and money, both. In 2016 it almost exploded the market, and in 2017 it will become even more familiar because Google has crushed all conventional SEO tactics and everything is being executed in real time now. The other main reason is the instant effectiveness you get with this strategy, just make a list of influencers from your niche and industry, and create content that you think they could be interested in it, once you are done with the substance pitch it to them. If your content is a hero, they won’t hesitate to share it with their community or even link to it!

  1. Smart Content Marketing

Content marketing will also be the one those SEO tactics that will still live in 2017 because of its effectiveness and reliability. Every piece of content you are creating should have a purpose, and it should be engaging so whenever someone reads it, they should feel pleased and share it otherwise your readers will bounce back. Attractive visuals will add up value to your content, and use of relevant outbound links will make it credible. Google loves fresh content so you should do a practice to revisit your old and outdated content and update them regularly if and only if they are out of date.

  1. On-Site SEO

On-Site or Off-Page SEO will remain living on the edge factor for surviving and sustaining successfully in 2017. Various factors are concerned with the On-Site SEO which is as follows:-

  • Keywords
  • Content
  • Meta description
  • Page titles
  • Headings
  • Mobile friendliness
  • Site speed
  • 404 errors etc.
  1. Following A Proper Link Building Strategy

Following an excellent link building and link acquisition strategy with your SEO will be dramatically essential in 2017. Acquiring some quality backlinks from high authority website will land you with higher rankings in SERPs. Valuable Backlinks will add a credibility and legitimacy to your website that will result in your increased traffic and rankings, and a final verdict for SEO in 2017 would be, focus on topic depth i.e. creating good content and link building strategy.

  1. Mobile Optimization And Mobile Friendliness

Everyone, I repeat everyone should optimize their websites for mobile in 2017. Google has been repeatedly mentioning that how important it is to make your website mobile friendly and it adds a huge part in site’s overall SEO score as well. So just make sure to cross check your site works correctly on mobile also!

  1. Never Neglect Social Media

Although Google has been shamelessly denying that signals generated with social media won’t affect your SEO, the results and statistics depict something entirely opposite to this. The study shows that the websites that are more popular on social media and receives hits from social media are in the much more stable state, and their search rankings are quite better than those who don’t use social media.  You can use social media as a power gun for maintaining and sustaining higher search rankings.

  1. High Ranking Formula

It has been proposed by the top influencers in SEO and content marketing industry that following formula will still work well for SEO in 2017:-

Good Content + People linking to it = Higher rankings

It seems that there would be lots of how-to articles available on this topic like. How to increase your search engine rankings? For sure, this formula will remain universal on all. So you now know how actually this method will work.

  1. Accuracy And Relevancy In The Content

Great content will always rock, whatever you publish online must contain accuracy in the data used in it, and the utilized material must be highly relevant too. This will also include some of the elements from On-Site SEO, as discussed above. You have to take care of the placement of relevant and appropriately researched keywords when it is about content. All of your content should be well researched and legitimate that is all about the accuracy and relevancy of the content.


I guess that after reading the above mentioned 10 SEO practices in 2017, you can work out with it and even rock in the digital world. Following them properly will naturally make your website or blog able to rank higher in search engines and look vibrant throughout. If following the proposed methodology you were able to make your site enable for the competition then don’t just forget to share it ahead and give it a thumbs up. Or, if you think that something is missing from the list then don’t just hesitate to comment below.

About The Author:

Harry James is a freelance blogger and a professional content writer. He love’s to write on any niche, currently working as a content analyst at CellNTrade!

[Infographic] What SEO can do for your Business

[Infographic] What SEO can do for your Business

SEO is a very healthy and long term marketing strategy that can bring genuine leads and customers for your business. Moreover, studies have shown that SEO can have a better ROI as compared to other forms of advertising and promotions.

It is not extreme to say that businesses that don’t prefer or implement SEO are in far worse condition than companies who invest in search engine marketing.

The first point for any online purchase starts with a search engine. This means optimizing your website for the search engine can be a huge boosting factor for your business.

It’s not enough just to make a website. It’s equally important to make sure that your website is properly structured and have content that is relevant to the visitors of your site as well as the search engines. Properly optimized architecture and content of your website will help you grow your business and increase sales.

Please include attribution to http://www.searchresultsmedia.com/ with this graphic.

SEO, Digital Marketing, Internet Marketing Services - Search Results Media

Author Bio: Rakesh Desai, CEO, and co-founder of Search Results Media, is passionately engaged in the company’s major activities. Currently, he looks after company’s growth through technology investments, new product lines, and strategic partnerships. He possesses a huge experience of Digital Marketing, Social Media Marketing, Internet Marketing and his core strength lies in sketching out fruitful business strategies.