Do you consider yourself to be a prolific and productive blogger? If yes, then that is great already! If not, maybe you can consider this article for your improvement as a blogger. Writing is not easy for everybody; not everyone can be a great writer. But anyone can try their best to be. Plenty of bloggers does not have much time to write their blogs. And even when they do, they tend to do it poorly, inefficiently, and ineffectively.

To be prolific is to be a productive worker. Productivity is doing more in less time. It may be difficult but you will improve in time and with enough practice. This will take hard work and willpower on your part. This is very important if you want to get ahead in the online marketing arena.

So now, let us learn techniques on being a more productive and prolific blogger. These are the techniques that expert bloggers use to be more prolific in blogging and with their online business. This way, you can learn how to grow your blogs and your businesses, too. Let us see the first one.

What is Productivity?

Do you want to know the secret to being more productive? It is to be more organized. Being organized with your tasks and learning how to set priorities. This way, you will be able to manage your activities and achieve the results you have set for yourself. Once you are able to clear the mental distractions, you will start working more efficiently. That means you can do anything you set your mind to, it doesn’t matter how busy your day gets because you have your tasks organized.


And how will we apply this when it comes to blogging? There are three factors that affect the productivity of most of the bloggers out there. These are attitude, technology, and their attitude to change. Let’s take a closer look.


Attitude affects most of the actions we do. Attitude is one of the factors that can affect the productivity of employees. Now, you may not be an employee, but as a blogger, you have a responsibility to your readers. In a sense, you work for them. It is their want and preferences that guide you in your decisions.


Do you remember the last time you were excited about a project? Did you notice that you worked better and was more productive and happy about whatever it is you are doing? This is the same about writing and promoting your blog. You see, attitude is everything. When you are positive and enthusiastic, you are more inspired to produce and to innovate, and in turn, inspiring others along the way as well.


Before you invest so much time and energy on a project, you have to make sure that you are using the right kind of tools for your blog and your online businesses. This will make a world of difference on your productivity level. An example of this is using automation instead of doing things the manual way when it comes to marketing, you will be saving a lot of time and effort here, and reaching out to more followers in less the amount of time.


When it comes to new things such as automation, don’t be afraid to learn it and try it. You can even automate some parts of the creation of products and contents as well as in marketing and relationship-building. Here, when you choose to use the right tools, you will surely get the help you need and be more effective in doing more in less time, which is exactly what productivity is all about.

Adapting to Change

What is your opinion about Google updates? Do you get annoyed by them or do you just accept them and roll with the punches? How you see things such as this also affects your productivity.


As a blogger as well as a content marketer, you have to be able to adapt to these kinds of changes so that you will remain competitive. Change is constant, and it is inevitable. If your goal is for your online business to grow, you will most likely be creating new products, offering services, and introducing improved technology as well as adjusting your editorial calendar. These kinds of developments may change the way you look at things and your priorities, but these will give you the chance to attain better results.

For example, some of the things you have anticipated didn’t work out as you thought it would be, instead of being discouraged, take it as a learning experience. You can learn so much from the things that don’t work out, and you will be able to do better on your next plan.

Becoming a Prolific Blogger

To be productive, the first thing you need to do is to set the goals you want to achieve for your blog and your online business. You will have to think about your course of action. An example here if you want to create relationships with bloggers with high authority within your niche, you can do this:


  • Think about your objectives and write them down. For example, do you want them to share your posts on their social media profiles? Do you want them to recommend you to their followers? Whatever your goal may be, it is important to write them down so you won’t forget them.
  • The next thing to do would be to share his contents as well. It is safe to assume that most of the social media influencers have eye-exploding schedules before them, that is why you need to provide them with good reasons to even consider communicating with you. And a way to do this is for you to share their contents. You may think you are doing them a favor, but it is actually the other way around in the long run. When they start to tweet about your products and services, your hard work will start to pay off.

Breaking Things Down

Now that you’ve thought about the goals you have to achieve, the next thing to do is to break them down into simpler tasks. Remember that blogging is just the same with any other project. To be prolific and productive means to be efficient in what you are doing. To do that, you have to be able to have an understanding of the scope of your project and how you can simplify a seemingly complicated process.


To break things down, devote a notebook for your to-do lists. Write down the steps on how to achieve your goals and try to do those tasks one at at time. This way, you won’t be overwhelmed by the complexity of the procedure. If you do things one at a time, the tasks will become more bite-sized, and you won’t choke up on commitments or backlogs. You can also have little achievements along the way every time you finish a task.


You may have had some difficulties in working on your blog. But remember this, don’t wait for the new year to turn over a new leaf in you writing habits. It is important to start now and apply some of the things you have learned in this post. Hopefully, these will help you in becoming a more prolific blogger. If you feel you need the help of marketing agencies to further boost your blog, then try to do so. Do not be afraid to try on new things and explore the strategies that work best for you, your blog, and your online business.

Disclaimer: All images are provided by the author.

Author Bio

nicolas-finetNicolas Finet is a business engineer turned web entrepreneur. He is thrilled about developing his digital marketing skills and achieves his objective of disrupting the whole marcom industry.