Email marketing is an important aspect of digital marketing which allows entrepreneurs to get engaged with existing and prospective customer easily. In spite of the increasing trend of using different social media websites, most of the people are responsive to email notifications they get from various service providers.

But, the bitter truth is that the majority of the entrepreneurs fail to attract the targeted customers and their objective remains unfulfilled. So, what they should do to perform various Email marketing tasks easily and generate enough business opportunities? Well, have a look at the following marketing strategies and tactics to gain success in email marketing campaigns.

1. Attach An Intuitive Sign Up Form To Your Site

These days, most of the website owners are appealing visitors to sign-up their newsletters. But, the surprising fact is that 95% of total website visitors ignore their call for newsletter sign-up. There may be several reasons for it, such as unfriendly Email sign-up forms, the fear of being bombarded with SPAM emails, etc.

In general, when you provide quality products and services to your clients/customers, they like to hear from you on a regular basis. So, you should attach an appealing sign-up form to your website. Make sure that the Email sign-up form appears instantly in a popup when visitors land on your site.

2. Develop A Realistic Email Strategy

An email marketing strategy is a careful planning and execution of different email marketing activities (such as, encouraging website visitors to sign-up your newsletters, creation of user-friendly and meaningful newsletters on a regular basis, personalization of newsletters as per the taste of specific subscribers, monitoring the delivery of newsletters, segmentation of subscribers, responding the questions of the interested customers/clients, etc, ) in a timely fashion to meet your business objectives easily and quickly. It helps you to perform different tasks of email marketing easily and maintain continuity in it.

3. Equip Yourselves With Powerful Email Marketing Tools

When you handle a huge list of subscribers, it is very difficult for you to perform different activities of Email marketing. Some tasks of Email marketing are monotonous, time-consuming, and frustrating. Fortunately, there are several free and premium tools that you can use to automate Email marketing activities. For Examples- if you run Email marketing for WordPress sites, then you can use the following plugins to your advantage.

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WordPress Plugins


SendPress NewslettersA great help in creation & delivery of newsletters to subscribers
Easy Sign UpEmail address collection, User redirection, and


Personalize ContentHelp in the creation of personalized content
ArticooloA great help in newsletter creation
MailPoet 2Allows you to add posts, images, pictures, and different fonts to your newsletters
ALO EasyMail NewsletterA complete Email marketing tool to automate different Email marketing activities. Also, it supports internationalization and multi-language.


If you do Email marketing for other websites, you can use Email marketing software to automate your Email marketing campaigns.

4. Craft And Beautify Newsletters

It is the most important work of Email marketing. You need to create meaningful and under-centric newsletters to market your products and services and generate leads. If your newsletters are unimpressive, you can’t expect a better ROI. So, while creating newsletters, you should keep the following things in mind-

  • Keep the newsletter content simple, straightforward, and focused. Add relevant images, videos, and links, etc,
  • Choose a visually appealing and professional Email template to craft newsletters,
  • Keep the content length at a moderate level. Write an attractive punchline for the products/services you will be introducing to customers and attach subtitles to the content. It allows customers to read the content easily and respond accordingly.
  • Make sure that you are not using SPAM words in your newsletters
  • Ensure that your newsletters comply with the CAN-SPAM act
  • Check your newsletters for SPAM filters. If your newsletters land in the SPAM folder of recipients, then there is no benefit of doing Email-marketing.

5. Make Your Newsletters Responsive To Mobile Devices

Currently, due to the increasing use of different mobile devices for Internet browsing, 51% of all email messages are now opened on mobile devices. So, responsive email design has become mandatory. But, 89% of all entrepreneurs are losing leads and business opportunities because they don’t optimize their newsletters to be viewed on mobile devices. It’s a fact that 69% of mobile users erase emails that aren’t optimized for mobile devices So, you must focus is providing mobile-friendly emails to your subscribers. It helps you to generate responses from subscribers and creates leads one after another.

6. Deliver personalized newsletters to subscribers regularly

Interested subscribers always expect something new and exciting from your side. So, you must deliver useful and meaningful newsletters to subscribers regularly, based on their buying preferences, budget, and needs. You must focus on quality (rather than quantity) while doing email marketing for your business. Never flood your subscriber’s Email inbox with too many marketing and promotional messages. Determine the right time when you should deliver newsletters to subscribers.

7. Response Visitors Quickly

When you run Email-marketing campaigns for your business and provide the best value to subscribers for their money, they get engaged with your brand actively and generate questions and concerns. If you don’t respond them in a timely fashion, it can displease them and chances for the generation of leads go in vain. So, you must give suitable answers to subscribers and try to solve their questions as soon as possible.

8. Track And Improve

You are running Email-marketing campaigns successfully and generating a sufficient income every week/month. Does it mean you should feel relaxed and sit idle? No, not at all. Always keep in mind that visitor’s taste keeps changing from time-to-time. You need to keep a close eye on the changing moods of subscribers/customers/clients/buyers and make the necessary adjustments in your Email-marketing campaigns to maintain the flow of profits. For this, you should view your site’s analytics regularly and find the areas for improvement. Just work on the missing points and take your business to a new level.

Concluding Remarks

Email marketing is an effective tool to give a great boost to your business. These are some helpful tips using which you can successfully perform the various activities of Email-marketing campaigns and generate abundant income every week/month.

About The Author:

Brandon Graves is prolific WordPress developer & digital marketing expert, employed with He keeps writing on WordPress web design and customization, SEO, Email marketing etc. Follow him on Twitter to get more updates.